7 Step Lawn Fertilization

One of the most crucial processes in lawn care is fertilization. A healthy, thick turf not only looks nice, but also puts more oxygen back into the air and prevents a lot of dust from flying around. Doing it right can make your lawn the best on the block. Doing it wrong can make your lawn look battered and abused with many bare spots. Hiring us not only ensures that it’s being done right, but on many lawns can cost less than buying the fertilizer yourself.

Our 7 step fertilization program is specially tailored for the South Jersey area. Southern New Jersey is the only area where we work, so we know the grass around here very well. We also know that every lawn is unique and so is every customer. All 7 rounds are recommended in most cases, but you can tailor your program any way you like to fit your needs. The 7 steps are listed below.

Step 1. Early Spring – Fertilizer & Crabgrass Pre-emergent (Important Application)
Step 2. Late Spring – Fertilizer & Weed Control
Step 3. Early Summer – Fertilizer & Spot Weed Control
Step 4. Late Summer – Fertilizer & Spot Weed Control (Temperature Permitting)
Step 5. Early Fall – Fertilizer & Spot Weed Control
Step 6. Late Fall – Fertilizer (For Winter Root Development)
Step 7. Late Fall/Winter – Lime (Helps Correct Acidity In Soil)

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